We are an alliance of public and private partners focused on connecting all students in Minnesota
Founding Members
In May of 2020, the Governor’s Office, in collaboration with Best Buy, the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation and Blandin Foundation established the Partnership for ConnectedMN to ensure students from high-need and underserved communities have the tools and support they need to participate in digital learning and digital life. ConnectedMN is a public-private partnership working to bring tech devices, internet access and programmatic support to students across the state, including students who are Black, Indigenous and People of Color, students from low-income families, and students residing in rural Minnesota.

ConnectedMN Leadership
Collaborative Committee
ConnectedMN’s work is guided by a steering committee of representatives from the Founding Members and additional committed volunteers from organizations across the state, supported by consultants from Collectivity. The group works collaboratively to build connections & relationships, gather learning from the field, raise funds, and identity opportunities for investment and partnership across digital learning initiatives.
Subgroups were created to focus on a specific aspect of the larger goal, allowing members to delve deeper into the subject matter and develop specialized insights…
Connectivity Subgroup
The Connectivity Subgroup focuses on improving high speed internet access and access to devices, especially in areas with limited coverage. They support creative solutions with partners to bring better internet to underserved places. They're also exploring ways to promote affordability for those with low incomes. This group brings together experts from various sectors to brainstorm innovative ways to address gaps in access, affordability, and insufficient devices.
Meghan Shea, Comcast
Marc Johnson, East Central Minnesota Educational Cable Coop
Paul Solsrud, Cooperative Network Services
Brian Flotterud, Saint Paul Public Schools
Mario McHenry, Saint Paul Public Schools
Scott Marquardt, SW Initiative Foundation
Carlos Armendariz, MN Care Partner
Boern L Vang, Metro State University
Jalonda Combs, Northside STEM
Digital Navigation Subgroup
The Digital Navigation Subgroup is a team of experts from different fields who are working together to create a framework for organizations who wish to develop navigation services. These services help people find their way in the digital world and access important resources. They're also providing funding to navigation programs that have the potential to grow with the right guidance and support.
Gina Kaeppe, Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Hussein Farah, New Visions
Eric Nesheim, Literacy MN
Jeff Plaman, Minnesota Department of Education
Mark Johnson, ECMECC
Scott Marquardt, SW Initiative Foundation
Elliot Christiansen, Lower Sioux
Stacey Nelson-Kumar, Comcast

Join a growing group of supporters
From the onset of the pandemic, Minnesota’s philanthropic, individual contributors and corporate partners have prioritized the importance of collaboration and recognized the threat of gaps in digital learning.
In 2021, ConnectedMN partnered with the Minnesota Business Coalition for Racial Equity’s Digital Learning Fund to further support digital learning for students who are Black, Indigenous, People of Color, with 80% of funds raised distributed in the Twin Cities and 20% to Greater MN.
ConnectedMN is grateful to work in partnership with the following funders (as well as many individual contributors):
3M, Digital Learning Fund Contributor
144 Design
Alerus Financial
Allianz Life Insurance Company
Andersen Corporation
Best Buy, ConnectedMN and Digital Learning Fund Contributor
Blandin Foundation
Boston Scientific ConnectedMN and Digital Learning Fund Contributor
Bush Foundation, ConnectedMN and Digital Learning Fund Contributor
Cargill Foundation, Digital Learning Fund Contributor
Carlson Family Foundation, Digital Learning Fund Contributor
Delta Dental of Minnesota, Digital Learning Fund Contributor
Ecolab Foundation
Ernst & Young
F. R. Bigelow Foundation
Fans of the Minnesota State Fair
Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation
General Mills Foundation, Digital Learning Fund Contributor
GHR Foundation
Land O'Lakes
Mardag Foundation
The Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Fund at the Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Business Partnership
Minnesota Twins
Minnesota Vikings
Mortenson, Digital Learning Fund Contributor
nVent Management, Digital Learning Fund Contributor
Opus Foundation, Digital Learning Fund Contributor
Protolabs Foundation
Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation
Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
Securian Financial
SPS Commerce Foundation
Target, Digital Learning Fund Contributor
Thrivent Financial, Digital Learning Fund Contributor
Travelers, Digital Learning Fund Contributor
US Bank Foundation, Digital Learning Fund Contributor
Vantage Financial
Wells Fargo, Digital Learning Fund Contributor
Xcel Energy